Friday, May 10, 2013

Tour Post #18

Tour Co-hosts:
The Writers Voice is a multi author blog where prominent authors from around the web come together and share their thoughts on all things literary or otherwise. Here is a peek at our team of authors!
Is there anything you’d like to go back one year and tell yourself?

“Look at the overall picture. Don’t think you are failing just because it takes time. Everything worth doing takes hard work and patience.”
–Emma Michaels

“Learn what show don’t tell means, and give up trying to please everyone.”
–Quinn Loftis

“A year ago, I still had a steady day job. That changed in January this year, so a year ago, I’d go back and tell myself to hold onto my faith in myself. Unexpected events will come up, but I’ll learn to roll with it and come out stronger and happier. It’s not going to be easy, but it will be worth it!”
–Shana Norris

“To remain positive no matter what life may throw at me.”
–Tanya Contois

“I don't think so. Part of life is to learn from my past mistakes, also I challenge myself to walk by faith and trust that what is to come is meant to be. I believe there is purpose to all I go through whether good or bad, and in the long run it will be to my benefit and make me a stronger person.”
–Victoria Simcox

–Carlyle Labuschagne

“Don’t get that haircut…lol no kidding! I would go back and say it was all worth it. I remember a year ago I had only just started handing out my manuscript and was filled to the BRIM with anxiety about whether or not I’d get published or not. I’d go back and say, “Dude, chill. It’ll work out one way or another.”
–Michael Loring

“Be patient! These things take time! Ha ha”
–Frankie Rose

“Last year, no. Seven years ago, I’d tell myself to go with my gut and not vaccinate my oldest son.”
–Brenda Pandos

“Brace yourself. This time last year is when The Light Tamer came out and the series has done very well.”
 –Devyn Dawson

Thank you for reading!
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The Writers Voice

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